It’s that time of year again! Along with the start of the new term and all of the challenges it brings, it’s also time to submit your abstract for the BSA Annual Conference.  The conference theme is ‘Challenging Social Hierarchies and Inequalities’ and, in the midst of a very uncertain Brexit landscape, it’s more important than ever that you take part in what has the potential to be a career defining event.

The Conference plenaries will focus on social hierarchies and inequalities, and the conference streams will, as usual, cover the full gamut of sociological enquiry.  We’ll be debating the material, structural and institutional divisions between groups in multiple societies and locations, exploring the varied dimensions and complexities of contemporary hierarchies and intersecting inequalities. We’d like you to be part of the discussion.

Whether you’re looking to establish new collaborative partnerships, shape the evolution of the discipline or you simply want to be surrounded by like-minded peers for three days of sociological utopia then submit your abstract now.

The submission deadline for abstracts is Friday, 12 October 2018.  Read the full Call for Papers and submit your abstract.