This month we have five copies of White privilege: The myth of a post-racial society by Kalwant Bhopal to giveaway, published and provided by Policy Press. Professor Bhopal delivered the eighth Annual Equality Lecture in October, hosted by the British Library and the BSA.

Drawing on topical debates and supported by empirical data, this important book examines the impact of race on wider issues of inequality and difference in society.

Why and how do those from black and minority ethnic communities continue to be marginalised? Despite claims that we now live in a post-racial society, race continues to disadvantage those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Kalwant Bhopal explores how neoliberal policy making has increased rather than decreased discrimination faced by those from non-white backgrounds. She also shows how certain types of whiteness are not privileged; Gypsies and Travellers, for example, remain marginalised and disadvantaged in society.

If you are interested in receiving one of these free copies, please email BSA Membership with your name and postal address and we will pick five winners at random in November. Please note that you must be a BSA member to enter this book draw. If you aren’t a member and would like to find out how to become one and see what other benefits are available to you, please visit the Membership section on the BSA website.

Thank you to everyone that entered last month’s free giveaway for Self-Injury, Medicine and Society: Authentic Bodiesby Amy Chandler. We are pleased to announce that the five winners were Thomas O’Brien, Kay Polidano, Lauren White, Jennifer Patterson and Dominic Joannou and they have all been notified. Congratulations to you all.