The BSA continues to support strike action by UCU members which begins next week.

Those members not involved in the strike action may wish to support it via sharing their views on social media etc. and contributing to funds that help those members who are participating. If you wish to contribute you can do so here:

Communication with members during strike period

The BSA office supports our members and all sociologists who are affected by the UCU strike action.  To honour the digital picket line, the BSA will not tweet, retweet or send promotional emails for the full strike period.  We will maintain radio silence, with the exception of urgent emails, such as abstract decisions for approaching conferences, journal article decisions and essential communications relating to the Annual Conference and our publications. We may send select, essential communication because some members are not affected by the strike, for example those based outside the UK and at non-striking institutions.  We are conscious that members and delegates may need information from the BSA in order to secure funding for conference places, or plan travel.

We understand that members on strike may not open correspondence and, in some cases, will be deleting all email communication they receive during the strike. The BSA office will therefore resend all essential communications after the strike to ensure that members do not miss important information. As it is impossible for the office to know which members have and have not deleted communications during the strike, some members may receive communications twice.

We are here to support our members and will keep all communication to an absolute minimum in solidarity with all those who are taking part in the action. The office staff will be working regular hours as we are not university employees and so are not directly involved in the disputes. We are happy to help anyone getting in touch with us during this period.

We are thinking of all those who will be on the picket lines and affected by the strike.