Getting involved, engaging with communities and being part of the fray is perhaps a defining aspect of who we are as sociologists. We investigate, ask questions, challenge the status quo, seeking to uncover and shine a light on the everyday realities of the societies we live in. With potentially life-changing events unfolding over the past few months, I suspect that many of us will have had our sociological magnifying glasses out more often than usual over the summer break.
Some of us gathered in solidarity with our European colleagues at this month’s European Sociological Association conference including the joint BSA-ESA Semi-Plenary Nationalism, Europe, and Brexit. Some of us will go further afield to take part in the international symposium Worlds of Work: Implications of Urbanisation, Technology and Sustainability at Hong Kong University, 9-11 September, supported by the BSA’s journal Work, Employment & Society. These are examples of the BSA engaging in European and international activities and there will be myriad of opportunities this autumn for you to get involved with including BSA opportunities for funding, for career-enhancing experiences, for sharing research and for networking and socialising.
Abstract submission is now open for the 2020 BSA Annual Conference, Reimagining Social Bodies: Self, Institutions and Societies, Aston University, Birmingham 21-23 April. Proposals for 2020 Early Career and Postgraduate regional event funding are currently being accepted. Applications for places are also now invited on the editorial board of our journal Sociology as well as for the editorial board and associate board for our journal Work, Employment & Society.
In line with our aim of enhancing communication and engagement within the association, we would also like to encourage members to contribute to the development of the priorities for the BSA’s next strategic cycle. This round we’re particularly interested in what you think the current and emerging trends in society are, and how they present as challenges or opportunities for the BSA. We’ve set up a survey and members will receive a message shortly with a link to the survey. Please do watch out for it and get involved.
Judith Mudd, Chief Executive of the The British Sociological Association