We are a group of scholars seeking expressions of support for a new BSA Sociology of Consumption Study Group which will advance research on consumption from sociological perspectives.  The Study Group will provide a productive and supportive network through which researchers working on matters relating to consumption, consumers and consumer culture can meet to present research findings and engage in dialogue and debate.  The group will involve regional and national events from 2019 onwards.

Sociology of consumption is a diverse field and has, in recent years, included particular attention to inequalities, identity and diversity; ethical and sustainable consumption; and ‘deviant’ consumption, as well as theoretical and conceptual advances in understandings of consumer behaviour and consumption practices. The Study Group will provide a forum for addressing these substantive and theoretical issues and will aim to support the work of Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Researchers as well as established academics working in this area.

Please contact any of the Co-Convenors to express interest in the Study Group by 4 January 2019. The Co-Convenors will be Dr Irmak Karademir-Hazir (Oxford Brookes University), Dr Emma Casey (Northumbria University), Dr Thomas Thurnell-Read and Dr Adrian Leguina (both Loughborough University).