We are delighted to announce our new trustee appointments. Professor Jason Arday (University of Cambridge) will return as Publications Director for a second term and we welcome Dr Paul Campbell (University of Leicester) as Membership Services Director and Professor Vanessa May (University of Manchester) as Publications Director.

As Jason stated: ‘Having had the privilege to be a Trustee for the last 3 years, I have been fortunate to work with some exceptional colleagues on the Board and I am keen to continue our collective endeavours particularly around creating and providing better opportunities and support for Black and Minority Ethnic academics with regards to publication and research dissemination opportunities. As Publications Director, I would further advance this important and hopefully impactful work.

Paul responded to his appointment with the following: ‘Sociology is an emancipatory discipline, which has diversity at its core. The BSA is the largest sociological network in the UK. It brings together sociologists across departments and backgrounds. As a trustee, I want to help the BSA membership and related experiences become more representative. My objective is to help ensure that BSA membership, activities and networks signal to people from all (intersected) race, gender, (dis)ability, and class backgrounds, that we are a space for, and of, them.

Vanessa gave us this positive response: ‘I am overjoyed to be elected to the role of Publications Director of the BSA and I thank everyone who cast a vote for me. I put myself forward for this role because of how much I enjoyed my previous involvement with the journal Sociology, first as Editorial Board member and later as a member of the Editorial Team, and wanted to continue to contribute to the BSA’s publication endeavours. The BSA also has an important role to play in wider discussions about the changing nature of academic publishing. As Publications Director, I look forward to working with the other Trustees and the BSA staff to support the editorial teams and editorial boards of the association’s journals. There will no doubt also be many interesting conversations with BSA members at conferences and other events about all things publishing.

We warmly welcome our new trustees and also give a big thank you to outgoing trustee Catherine Pope for her contribution.