written by the sociological community to inform and inspire.
People in police custody say they are being denied medication for their health problems by police and nurses, new research says. Dr Stephanie Mulrine interviewed 42 people with physical or…
Young people’s class loyalty is a stronger factor in voting Conservative at general elections than whether they have moved up or down the social ladder, a new study has found….
People who work from home all or part of the time are less likely to get pay rises and promotions, the first post-Covid research project into the WFH phenomenon has…
Aristocrats have increased their influence within British society over the past 150 years, new research shows. Hereditary peers are now almost three hundred times more likely than non-aristocrats to be…
Adults who play video games daily are much more likely to be working-class than middle-class, new research shows. Although as teenagers their rates of daily playing were similar, by aged…
Experts developing AI systems used in job recruitment accept that these can be biased against women but mistakenly believe this can be completely solved by technological fixes, research says. In…
Keeping in touch via video, phone and instant messaging was little help in preventing a rise in people’s anxiety and depression during the pandemic lockdowns, a major new UK study…
Middle class UK graduates produce more CO2 emissions in their daily activities than non-graduates and their ecological commitment is primarily “symbolic”, new research says. Dr Robert Dorschel, of Tilburg University…
Black and Asian people with darker skin shades can be the subject of prejudice and insults from lighter skin members of their families, new research shows. The first substantive research…