written by the sociological community to inform and inspire.
The poorest households in the UK have suffered “more intense forms of destitution” over the last decade, says new research that offers a contrast to official figures. Over the last…
Almost a third of fathers in the UK are unaware that they are eligible for flexible employment arrangements such as part-time work or job sharing, new research says. The lack…
Working class people have always been much less likely to find jobs in creative industries such as acting and film making, and there was no golden age of classless meritocracy,…
Households in the UK where the woman is the sole earner are significantly poorer than those where the man is the only breadwinner, bucking the trend in western Europe. The…
Premier League and other soccer players are pressured by team-mates into buying expensive clothes and cars to demonstrate how successful they are. Some who turn up to practice sessions in…
Societies in which people fail to exceed their parents’ social and economic status have a higher death rate than those where they do, in part because of factors such as…
Biomarkers for chronic stress are 40% higher in women bringing up two children while working full-time, new research shows. Working from home and flexitime have no effect on their level…