The BSA and Work, Employment & Society (WES) have opened up a call for applications to join the Editorial Team. This is the first time that individual rather than institutional applications are being considered, reflecting the realities of the current climate.  We have kept the number of people joining the team open so that as many good candidates as possible can be offered a place. Applicants should be in good scholarly standing in an appropriate academic discipline and ideally have some previous association with WES.

WES has a tight Editorial Team of approximately 12 colleagues doing the day to day editorial work and working with our Editorial and Associate Boards developing the journal. The culture within WES is to offer a generous and developmental editorial process for the 600 submissions we receive each year. We work in a highly collegial way as a team and with our 65 Board members to maintain this culture, despite the challenges of a year of strike action and now the Coronavirus crisis. The Editorial team meets, now virtually, on a regular monthly/bimonthly basis and team members are also expected to attend our Board meetings and conference, however those will be organised in the future. We are embarking on a period of internationalisation and navigating the development of Open Access within academic publishing – presenting us with interesting challenges and formulating new ways of working.

It might be hard to imagine taking on a substantial commitment to an editorial role at this time, but we have kept this application process flexible so you would start your tenure ideally from September but only when you are able and would be mentored by experienced team members during your first year. If you are interested in applying and would like to have an informal conversation with one of the Editors in Chief please contact us by email and we can arrange a call.

You are also welcome to contact Alison Danforth at the BSA for more information about the role and the BSA.  Read the Call for Editors.  Deadline for applications: 3 June 2020.