After launching a new article format aimed to support and champion doctoral researchers in the sociology of work, BSA journal Work, Employment and Society (WES) has now released a video discussion on the peer review and publication process of PhD Showcase articles. The author of the first PhD Showcase article, Simon Walo, and the article’s handling editor, Donald Hislop, sat down to talk about Walo’s paper and the process he went through to become published.

Watch their discussion below.

While WES always aims to be positive and developmental in the review process, the PhD Showcase hopes to promote and celebrate doctoral researchers work while guiding authors through the review process with care and attention. If you are a PhD student, or recently finished your PhD, and would like to submit a PhD Showcase article, please follow the regular submission guidelines as well as the following eligibility criteria:

  • Only PhD candidates or recent PhD recipients (within three years of award date) submitting work done during a PhD are eligible. Please note that Master’s work is not eligible.
  • Authors must be within three years of their degree award, excluding sick, parental or bereavement leave.
  • Papers may be co-authored but the first and corresponding author must be the eligible PhD candidate/recipient.

Read the Submission Guidelines for all WES articles and/or visit the journal website.

Read Simon Walo’s PhD Showcase article, ‘Bullshit’ After All? Why People Find Their Jobs Socially Useless.