This month we have five copies of Making sense of Brexit by Victor J Seidler ready to giveaway.

After the shock decision to leave the EU in 2016, what can we learn about our divided and increasingly unequal society and the need to listen to each other? This engaging and accessible book addresses the causes and implications of Brexit, exploring this moral anger against political elites and people feeling estranged from a political process and economic system that no longer expressed their will.Seidler argues that we need new political imaginations across class, race, religion, gender and sexuality to engage in issues about the scale and acceleration of urban change and the time people need to adjust to new realities.

He suggests we need to listen to people’s concerns not only about the impact of immigration and globalisation on their lives but also about the injustice of a capitalist economy that makes them pay through austerity and cuts in social welfare for a financial crisis they were not responsible for. He imagines alternative futures that will allow different generations to still appreciate themselves as Europeans with a future in Europe.

If you are interested in receiving one of these free copies, please email BSA Membership by Friday, 12 April 2019 with your name and postal address and we will pick five winners at random. Please note that you must be a BSA member to enter this book draw. If you aren’t a member and would like to find out how to become one and see what other benefits are available to you, please visit the Membership section on the BSA website.

Thank you to everyone that entered our last book giveaway for Snobbery by David Morgan. We had a great amount of interest in the book and are pleased to announce that the five winners were Julia Clark, Jon Dean, John Galilee, Magdolna Lorinc, Ning Tang and they have all been notified. Congratulations to you all.